I had the idea of logging all the learning stuff I read/watch for future reference. No idea if this is useful but it can't hurt to try.
- {n} times faster than C
- Computer, Enhance! a performance course by Casey Muratori
- Solving the Right Problems for Engine Programmers - Mike Acton (TGC 2017)
- Mike Acton’s Expectations of Professional Software Engineers (Video)
- Remzi Lectures on Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
- Writing C software without the standard library (Gopher)
- How ISO C became unusable for operating systems development
- The lost talks from Linus Torvalds at DECUS'94
- MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, Fall 2018
- Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases, Jaana Dogan
- "New" Features in C - Dan Saks
- Modern Microprocessors a 90-Minute Guide